The participation of student Nadezhda Podbereznykh in the ieeeBTStv project was "a new experience for her, which began with the shooting of videos and their editing, and ended with an introduction to new technologies and culture". Together with the video group from SPUFT, Nadezhda attended the IEEE BMSB 2019 international symposium, where she was engaged in shooting reports, panel discussions and interviews. Read in a student’s article about the future of television, innovation, about 5G technologies and new meetings and useful contacts.

South Korea. Jeju Island. Tourists sit in small fish restaurants. Families with children relax on the beaches. Loving couples are photographed against a background of green hills. And during this measured life, a large-scale international symposium on the fate of broadband broadcasting was organized.

Every year, the IEEE BTS Broadcast Technology Society holds symposiums for scientists and engineers involved in research and development in television and radio broadcasting, representatives of major world companies, research institutes' professors and students from around the world. This theme of BMSB 2019 was Broadband Multimedia Broadcasting Systems. The conference discussed the future of traditional television. How should the signal be transmitted? Is it possible to integrate the existing system into the broadcast of a new generation (5G)? How can they keep my audience?

The choice of South Korea as the country of the symposium is not accidental. Here, from each communication store, you are encouraged to switch to 5G and enter a new era of broadcasting. But like any other innovation, fifth-generation technology has not yet been fully developed and studied. Therefore, there was a need to hold the International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (IEEE BMSB 2019), which was organized by the Korea Institute of Broadcasting and Media Engineers (KIBME) and the Research Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications (ETRI) with sponsorship from the IEEE Broadcast Technology Society.

The themes of Keynotes and Special Sessions dealt with the results of work in the UHD format; future cable, wireless and satellite broadcasting; testing ISDB-TB and ATSC 3.0 systems; video encoding; transmitting a radio signal in 5G "point to point" conditions; holographic images. All performances can be found on the official YouTube channel, the content for which was prepared by the video group and the editing team of the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television:
For several years, the team of our university has been creating content for two large societies of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE BTS and IEEE CES) and managed to attend international conferences in countries such as the USA, India, Spain, Japan, Germany, Serbia, South Korea. Filming is not limited to recording plenary sessions and reports. On the channel, you can find videos from the opening and closing ceremonies of conferences, final videos about the symposium, announcements of new events of the company. A special place in several commercials is occupied by posters - recordings of presentations of student projects related to the main topic of a scientific conference.

A video group consisting of students and university staff worked on the filming of video materials from the Korean symposium: Nadezhda Podbereznykh, Daria Mikhailova and Konstantin Glasman, who is the producer of the project. Also, a team of student video monitors were connected to the work: Alexander Asanov, Alina Pluzhnaya, Gleb Shcherba, Yuri Koltsov, Alexander Vasiliev. Thanks to the joint efforts of all project participants, over a month after the symposium, more than 50 videos from this scientific event were published on the ieeeBTStv channel.
A visit to the IEEE BMSB 2019 symposium is a new experience that begins with shooting videos and editing and ends with an introduction to new technologies and culture. It is amazing how easy professors and presidents of companies make contact with students at such meetings, how people from different countries are open to new acquaintances, and what a wide world of television broadcasting technologies awaits us in the future.
Nadezhda Podbereznykh,
Faculty of Television, Design and Photography, directing television films, gr. 1654