"Looking China" gives a chance to self-knowledge": our student told about her participation in the international project

Is it possible to make a good documentary film in 10 days in China? Students of the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television - participants in the international project "Looking China Youth Film Project-2018" have proved by their own example that it is possible! On the shooting of the film about the bridges and tunnels of the largest metropolis of Chongqing told Alisa Pashkova
This year I was lucky to become a participant in the program "Looking China". When I only learned about the trip to China, I realized that I want to shoot my diploma project there. I was attracted by the idea that traditional Chinese philosophy could answer the question: "How can learn the new and the old to speak to each other?"
When we first arrived in Chongqing, I realized that I was in another world. There absolutely everything is different. Everything is interesting, incomprehensible. It's great. The trip itself is a powerful impetus in the sphere of self-development and self-realization.
First we arrived in Beijing and stayed there for the night, we were introduced to the organizers of the program and the winners of the contest of the past. Then there was a festive dinner, consisting of traditional Chinese dishes, and at the end of the day - the plane to Chongqing. When we arrived, our volunteer producers met us, which were to become our eyes and ears in many respects: from the point of view of studying, understanding Chinese culture, and also from the point of view of organizing the shooting process.
There was no time for rest. Although it all depends on your professional skills, stress resistance and the ability to plan your working hours. The first day was an excursion to the most tourist and famous places in the city, after which the shooting equipment was given out, and the next day there should be a shooting.
The Looking China project is about filming first. And this is something that should not be forgotten for a second, but the charm that you are experiencing from being in the Middle Kingdom is distracting. It is impossible not to fall in love with this country! During your stay in China, you will make friends and be sure to let go of a tear when the time comes to say goodbye.
By the way, do not forget that you are coming from Russia - the most hospitable country, so I advise you to stock up on souvenirs, especially for adherents of your filming. This is a kind of policy that will later help you "steal" a little more their time.
Now about filming and post-production. On all allocate 10 days, but the equipment is available only for the first 5, then you have to hand over everything in the same configuration, nothing is broken and not lost. My shooting all the time passed in the center of the city. This was promoted by the topic "Bridges and tunnels of Chongqing", previously selected by me. Since I am interested in urban studies and have a great love for the development of transport systems, I chose this topic while still in St. Petersburg.
Each year the Looking China project determines the main direction of the program, which changes regularly. For example, this year - "Ecology. Biology. Life style". And already under the auspices of the main theme of the project, a list of possible subtopics for future films is given.
My impressions of the trip can be expressed in one very simple exact word - "interesting." It was really interesting. It was also fun. In my spare time we went to karaoke and walked around the campus, which in size was like a small town with its infrastructure and local transport. Most of all, I remember the creative atmosphere and beauty of urban planning, which I could find here at every step.
We had two curators: ZhuZhu - from Beijing Pedagogical University and Cecilia from the University of San Paulo in Brazil. They were always ready to help, if there were any difficulties. But personally, I almost did not communicate with them, as I was used to coping on my own. This aspect is also taken into account, everyone is trying to create a productive atmosphere for each young director and act within the limits of how you will be comfortable to work with.
In conclusion, I would like to say that this project is also about awareness. Do not go and wait that everything will be the way you want it. It's complicated. It is important to understand that "Looking China" does not test for strength, no, it gives a chance for self-knowledge, for evaluating one's own strengths, opportunities and disclosing creativity. So, feel free to try everything you have for a long time.
Alisa Pashkova
Faculty of Management and Media Communications, Direction of Film and Television, 356a