Our University Has Negotiated a Partnership with the Oldest University in Wales

June, 17, the members of the Aberystwyth University visited St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television. Professor in Film Studies Birgit Beumers, who specialises in Russian culture, especially theatre and film and has written some books on contemporary Russian culture and arts, and Murtza Ali Ghaznavi, Middle East Manager of International Office of the Aberystwyth University came to maintain and extend the dialogue between our universities in the language of cinema.
Andrei Kurylev, Vice-rector for Development and External Relations of our University, described the University of Film and Television as the country's only specialized institution that prepares specialists in all areas for a single industry:
- One of our most important goals is to maintain and transfer the entire heritage of Russian culture into the language of cinema, - he said. - It is no coincidence, that Professor Sergei Ovcharov, the author of several film adaptations of works of Russian classical writers is here.
- We came to establish cultural ties, - Mr. Ghaznavi welcomed Russian colleagues. - Russia has very rich potential of its literature and cinema. If we find the right way to development in these areas, it will be a real "treasure" for all who will be involved in this process.
The plans for the both parties are not only to work on joint film projects, but also academic and student exchange and dual degree program that allows students of both universities to continue their studies abroad.
After the negotiations guests had a tour through the University and the collection of student films was presented to them.
- At the first stage it was the introductory meeting, - Konstantin Glasman, the Head of the International Relations Office of our University said). - Now we have decided to invite students of Aberystwyth University to show their works at the special program of the festival "Piterkit" next October, where we will continue to discuss the details of cooperation.
University of Aberystwyth, which is located in the same name city on the shore of the Cardigan Bay, was founded in 1872. It has gained international fame thanks to high quality of teaching and outstanding researches. One of the important activities of Aberystwyth University is Russian history, language and culture studies.