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A student of SPUFT made a report at an International Research and Practice Conference

February 9 , 2023 3rd year student of group 1061 Binhao Quan under the scientific supervision of Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages A. Oskina made a report at the XXVII International Research and Practice Conference "The service of practical psychology in the education system: the personality and activity of a teacher-psychologist in the modern educational space".

"The participants of the conference shared their views on psychology and how to apply it correctly in real life situations. I talked about how Chinese students in Russia adapt to new socio-cultural conditions, and the problems associated with this," commented B. Quan.

Following the results of the conference, an article on the topic is expected to be published: "Difficulties of socio-cultural adaptation of Chinese students in Russian universities".

Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages Oskina A.N.



A student of SPUFT made a report at an International Research and Practice Conference

February 9 , 2023 3rd year student of group 1061 Binhao Quan under the scientific supervision of Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages A. Oskina made a report at the XXVII International Research and Practice Conference "The service of practical psychology in the education system: the personality and activity of a teacher-psychologist in the modern educational space".


SPUFT’s Student and Teacher Took Part in the Interregional Research-To-Practice Conference

On March 24, 2022 head teacher at the Foreign Languages Department Anna Oskina and a 2nd year student Binhao Quan made a joint presentation at the III Interregional Research-To-Practice Conference Modern Multicultural Education titled "Foreign language learning classes as an instrument of the internal internationalization and socialization of foreign students". The conference was held as part of the 2022 Saint Petersburg International Educational Forum.


Constructing Screen Character - Meeting with Australian Director, Producer Robert Klenner

On April 8, at the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television, Australian film director, producer Robert Klenner gave a lecture "Constructing Screen Character".


International round table in Spanish

On December 12, 2017 in our University hosted the international round table in Spanish. Guests of the event made presentations and shared their position related to possible ways of promotion of the Spanish language in the world.


American cinema is getting closer

The "Digest" project started at our university: under the guidance of teachers of the Foreign Languages Department, students translate articles from specialized magazines devoted to film production and discuss them in class. This allows them to learn about the latest American movies and improve their English.

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Association of Educational Institutions for Art and Culture

The Association of Educational Institutions of Art and Culture, which includes SPbGIKiT, won a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the project "Second Higher Education as a Factor in Increasing the Level of Training of Specialists in Creative Professions"

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