Constructing Screen Character - Meeting with Australian Director, Producer Robert Klenner

On April 8, at the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television, Australian film director, producer Robert Klenner gave a lecture "Constructing Screen Character".
Using the film "Little Miss Sunshine" as an example, Robert Klenner talked about the specifics of the key stages of filmmaking from the point of view of actors, directors and camera operators. The lecturer emphasised the importance of keeping the right balance for all the participants of the filmmaking process to construct the characters in the story and to represent it right to the audience.
The lecture was organized using Zoom platform, which made it possible to attend the meeting in the University classroom or join it virtually.
At the end of the meeting, Robert Klenner answered to the students' questions and shared his impressions on working in international film crews, emphasising the universal feelings and experiences of representatives of all cultures of the world.
We express our gratitude to Robert Klenner for an interesting presentation and look forward to further cooperation!
Robert Klenner is a graduate of the National Academy of Theatrical Arts in Krakow (Poland), Directing Course at the National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney (Australia), Postgraduate Studies in Learning and Teaching at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge (UK) and the author of the book "Directing Screen Performances". He has worked in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Jan Chapman Productions, Southern Star, Fox World Australia, FremantleMedia, Millennium Pictures, Quicksilver Productions, McElroy Television, West Street Productions, Screenwise, Start VR, Crawford's Australia, Grundy Television, Girl Effect / Papaya Media Communication Ethiopia and Sony Pictures Television International, etc.
Our University was represented by: Dr. Galina Tsimmerman, the Head of the International Relations Office & the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Dr. Pyotr Ivantsov, the Dean of the Faculty of Television, Design and Photography & the Interim Head of the Department of Television, Anna Oskina, a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages & a Leading Specialist of the Department of International Academic Mobility, Dr. Krista Vyalyak, an Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Dr. Elena Yashkina, an Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Dmitry Rumyantsev, a Specialist of the Department of International Academic Mobility. The simultaneous and consecutive interpretation was provided by Lisa Dorfman and Olga Sazhina, the senior lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages.