IBC 2019: a fantastic journey into the media industry

My participation in the IBC2019 convention actually began in June, when I took part in the university conference «Digital Technologies in the Media Industry» with the theme «Applying Pepper's ghost for multi-angle projection adding an illusion of three-dimensionality». The work was seen by the members of the jury of the conference, and as a result, I received a grant from the IABM Association to participate in IBC 2019.
The IBC is an inspiring experience for anyone in the broadcasting industry, let alone a final year student just about to enter into that industry. I must confess I had no idea just how valuable participating in the event would be for me – not only in terms of what I would gain from all the exposure to new technologies but also in terms of how valuable it is to network with other industry individuals. IBC2019 is more than 56,000 participants, 300 inspiring speakers, 14 rooms from 1,700 exhibitors, all in 5 days!
All the time we have expanded our theoretical and practical knowledge to those of interest us areas. Since it was simply impossible to examine everything at once, I paid more attention to stands and lectures on VR and AR. That’s how I found out about huge potential of virtual reality technologies. Now VR can be used not only in the computer games industry, but also in the educational process, in preparation for some special events. Recently, the AR system is actively gaining momentum. If until the last visualization of studio shootings took place during image processing using chromakey, now a studio is presented, the walls and floor of which are themselves displays. This solution allows you to display the image online immediately.
In addition to the exhibition, one could attend sessions. According to Yannis Exarcos, CEO of Olympic broadcasting services, 5G will be a great incentive for new digital capabilities such as AR and VR. «The most important thing, he believes, is to provide good communication in the stadiums in order to satisfy the main business of the fans: send, receive and share».
Especially worth mentioning the exhibition space Future zone - this is a small pavilion where leading manufacturers show their vision of the future and, accordingly, prototypes and new developments. The exhibition was the latest news software for electronics and content for virtual reality, 360 degree cameras new high displays dynamic range and ultra a high resolution.
IBC helped me a lot, first of all, to understand, what’s happening in media industry now. The most valuable at this conference for me was the opportunity to ask any question regarding the latest technologies from around the world directly to the developers and engineers, who represent the project! It is really rare opportunity for the student!
It was a very useful experience that allowed me to view the field of possibilities for my forthcoming career.
To conclude, it really was fantastic to go the IBC and it could not have been possible without the support of the IABM. Thanks IBC2019, thanks IABM.
Dina Sdykhova, St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television