Saint-Petersburg State University of Film and Television celebrates its 100th anniversary

September 15, 2018 in Big Concert Hall "Octyabrsky" will be a concert dedicated to the centennial of the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television. We will be happy to see at the event students and teachers, employees working now and in different years, and, of course, graduates of different years, for registration you need to go to the link: gukit.ru/registration/2018/100-let
It was with the opening in 1918 of the "Higher Institute of Photography and Phototechnics", which is now called the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television, which began the training of professional cinematographers, the beginning of higher national cinema education took place. 2018 was marked by a significant event for the history of the national cinema: the first University of cinema of the country celebrates its centenary. For such a long time, the university unwittingly witnessed many turning points in the country, remaining an alma mater of future professionals in the field of the film industry.
The main building of the Institute of Cinema and Television is located in the beautiful building, the former parish school and the church in memory of Alexander III. In 1918, almost immediately after the October Revolution, the Higher Institute of Photography and Phototechnics was established (since 1924 - the State Phototechnical College), then the atmosphere of creativity and endless inspiration swept the house № 13 in the Cabinet Street.
The learning process has fallen into the turbulent flow of radical changes in the lives of citizens. Students, understanding the opportunities that are opening before them, kept pace with the times, looking to the future: technological progress did not keep itself waiting.
In 1931, the institution was renamed the Leningrad Institute of Cinematographers. Soviet cinema occupied a special niche in the history of the fatherland, and students and staff of LIKI made a lot of efforts to produce advanced films and new film and photo equipment. The university engaged in scientific research activities, a large number of inventions were patented, which at that time were valued throughout the Soviet Union. The Institute did not stop working even in the terrible years of the Leningrad blockade, the spirit of the community helped students survive the difficult years.
During the USSR, the Institute began cooperation with the country's largest film studios, "Lenfilm" and "Mosfilm" worked with researchers from our University, the studio LIKI Film was established. In 1977, Institute had a new building on Bucharestskaya Street, in which students are still study.
In the 90s the educational institution became a university, the faculty of screen arts was founded. Today our University is an advanced creative university, where specialists are trained for the whole range of film production. In the university work masters of domestic cinema, in whose workshops future directors, operators and actors study. During their studies, students realize ideas, discover the world of a big cinema, find like-minded people and acquire best friends for life. It is often said that there is a special atmosphere here - perhaps this is the spirit of creativity and love of one's work, in which our predecessors worked and studied.
We are in constant search of any archival photographic materials connected with the University. If you have memorable photos showing the student life and the University, please send them in scanned form to press[at]gukit[dot]ru.
Department of Information and Public Relations