II International scientific-technical conference "Actual problems of radio and cinema technologies"

On 24-27 October, the University held the II International scientific-technical conference "Actual problems of radio and cinema technologies". On the first day of the conference, a plenary session and section "The history of the development of radio and cinema technologies" took place.
The conference was opened by the Chairman of the organizing Committee, Professor Victor Pestrikov, head of Department of Radioengineering and information technologies, who told about the technology of positioning sound in space DirectSound3D. In theaters equipped with surround sound systems a new generation of viewers will be able to clearly track the movement of the sound source not in two dimensions but in three-dimensional space.
The theme was continued by Professor Sergey Basharin, head of the Department of cinema and video equipment, who devoted his report to build a simulation model to study the properties of sound dynamics.
Various aspects of development of radio engineering was reflected in the reports of guests: P. Yermolov (Taganrog), M. Gergiev (Sofia), I. Abramov (Minsk) and our colleagues.
Associate Professor of Department of radio engineering and information technologies L. Nurmukhamedov told about Professor Vladislav Sreznevsky (1849-1937) – one of the founders of the University of Film and Television.
Senior lecturer of the Department of radio engineering and information technology, S. Perelygin made a report about the life and scientific activity of Professor Vyacheslav Tsvetkov (1927-2017), who taught from 1975 to 2015 in our University. The audience was shown the short film "My life is a cinema" in which Vyacheslav Ivanovich talks about his work as a projectionist in the war and postwar years (the author of the film – associate Professor of photography V. Pavlov).
Associate Professor of Department of radio engineering and information technologies V. Gribov and head of the laboratory of digital cinema K. Gusev spoke about the renovation of the Assembly hall of Leningrad Institute of Film and Television in the Concert hall of State University of Film and Television.
Virgilio Santos, PhD student of Bonch-Bruevich University of telecommunications made a report about the beginning of radio broadcasting in the Republic of Angola.
Great interest was aroused by the report of Professor A. Khodanovich, head of the Department of mathematics and physics, precision measurements in the demonstration physical experiment. At the beginning of October 2017 in the lobby of Universiyu on the Bucharest street, 22, a demonstration of daily Earth's rotation using the Foucault pendulum, constructed by the staff of the Department of mathematics and physics. The Foucault pendulum allows for teaching physical experiment with a fairly accurate measurement of the trajectory and the gravitational acceleration.
After a coffee break in the section "The history of the development of radio and cinema technologies" was heard a few student reports, particularly about the guitar pedals (speaker – Hilarion Fadeenko, 3rd year student of the direction "Radio engineering") and on virtual reality technology in the museum (speaker – Arthur Kiryushin, the student of 4th year of a correspondence Department direction "Radio engineering").
At the end of a session associate Professor in the Department of design in cinema and television M. Butorin presented to the audience the film "From Arkhangelsk to Mangazeya: 50 years ago on the legendary "Shelia"". The film is dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the legendary swim on the boat "Shelia" from Arkhangelsk to Mangazeya, located at the mouth of the Siberian river Ob. Thanks to radio, this swim has become widely known not only in our country but also far beyond its borders.
The second and third days of the conference were filled with interesting reports in the framework of the sections "General aspects of radio and cinema technologies" and "Audiovisual technologies". Were graduate students, masters, bachelors and young teachers. A full list of presentations can be found in the conference program.
The fourth day was reserved for reports of the section "Economic and legal aspects of audiovisual technologies." In conclusion, the Chairman of the organizing Committee, head. the Department of radio engineering and information technologies Victor Pestrikov summed up. In his speech, he thanked the participants and attendees, and expressed a desire to continue activity at this level to exchange scientific ideas and to strength cooperation between educational and scientific institutions in Russia and abroad.
Text: Deputy head of Department
radio engineering and information technologies
S. V. Perelygin
Photo:Department of Information and Public Relations,
V. D. Gribov