Students of our University were selected for the team of the International Association of Student Television, created to cover the events of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students

At the Faculty of Management and Media Communications, preparations for the next academic year are actively carried out, new interesting directions of students' activities are determined. To this sphere, of course, is cooperation with the International Association of Student Television.
At the upcoming XIX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi, the IAST delegation, consisting of forty people, will ensure the regular creation of media materials about the event.
The delegation includes young, but experienced university media workers throughout the country. Skills of work correspondent, operator, photographer are for them an indispensable condition.
From the Student Media Center of our University were proposed four candidates for the competition. And all four were selected! They are students of the direction of training "Television": Anastasia Vasilyeva, Anna Kovaleva, Anastasia Khmelnitskaya and Svetlana Nikitina.
We are sure that the students will worthy represent our University, gain professional experience, trying to apply their skills in the case. We wish them good luck at the very start of their career!
Dean of the Faculty of Management and Media Communications Olga Chesnova