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The University took part in the action of the World Youth Festival

Very soon Russia will host the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students. On April 22, the representatives of  St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television  took part in the large-scale action "Six months before the festival". Directly opposite the main building on Pravda Street was a festive concert. At the same time in front of the building of the University in Bucharest street was a dance flashmob.

The concert took part in front of the main building of the University and was attended by the instrumental group "AMKA", the dance group "Different people" and the cheerleading team.


The leading concerts told about the history of the festival and shared their expectations from the main youth event of the year. Even the rain did not stop the students and guests of the event to be charged with positive and energy.


– I am very glad that St. Petersburg was among the cities that took part in this action. And six months later, I hope we will go to the festival with the same spirit. I would also like to note the fact that, in our opinion, St. Petersburg became the first city, according to the number of volunteers, - Anna Anashkina, the head of the department of mass events, shared her opinion.


The World Festival of Youth and Students will be the largest event in the field of international cooperation and will bring together over 20,000 young people from 150 countries. Keeping the history of the festival movement, the XIX Festival should be a new stage in the world of cooperation, to unite future generations around the ideas of peace and friendship!


This is a platform for dialogue, a global form of communication: through discussions, a cultural program, sports, through free communication we need to find a way to withstand the challenges that the younger generation is facing today.


The festival will bring together young leaders in various fields. It will be attended by representatives of public organizations, young people who have achieved success in science, creativity, sports, pedagogy, IT, politics, as well as foreigners interested in Russian culture. From St. Petersburg to Sochi will go two delegations: 500 participants and 150 volunteers.


Text: Olga Korshunova 

Foto:Department of Information and Public Relations 



68th International Festival of Creativity Cannes Lions's presentation took place at SPUFT

On September 28, the concert hall of St Petersburg State University of Film and Television was filled with students, connoisseurs of creativity, who wished to explore the best works of world's advertising industry.


Our University held a New Year holiday for children with special needs

For several years now, the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television has been cooperating with the Palace of Music Therapy and Therapeutic Art of Disabled Children and their Mothers "Arevik". On January 13, a charity New Year tree for the inmates of the Palace was held in the building on Bukharestskaya Street


Our students attended the International Volunteer Forum

From December 2 to December 6, the International Volunteer Forum was held in Moscow. More than 15,000 volunteers have become participants of the Forum, who for many years have unselfishly benefited people. At one time, people met at the Moscow sites, united by one thought - in order to make the world a better place, we must start with ourselves and help others. In the St. Petersburg delegation there were 13 students from St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television


Students of our University presented their project at the seminar of volunteers of St. Petersburg

Activists of the Volunteer Center of the University took part in an outreach seminar to improve the skills of leaders and activists of the voluntary associations of St. Petersburg. From 11 to 13 May, within the framework of the volunteer year announced in Russia, the Youth Policy Committee, together with the Association of Volunteer Centers, held an educational meeting for representatives of volunteer associations of St. Petersburg


The "Fourth St. Petersburg Ball on Wheels" was held in St. Petersburg with the support of the University

The grand opening of the "Fourth Saint-Petersburg Ball on Wheels" took place in the Summer Garden. In the evening, children with special needs became participants of a grand holiday in the restaurant "Amrots". Representatives of the University of Film and Television have traditionally taken an active part in organizing and conducting this large-scale and unusual event.


The University took part in the action of the World Youth Festival

Very soon Russia will host the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students. On April 22, the representatives of St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television took part in the large-scale action "Six months before the festival". Directly opposite the main building on Pravda Street was a festive concert. At the same time in front of the building of the University in Bucharest street was a dance flashmob.


Students of the University took part at the international action "Earth Hour"

On Saturday, March 25, a large-scale environmental action "Earth Hour" was held. Within the framework of the event, the main city attractions refused to highlight for 60 minutes. The actions were made with the participation of the vice-governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Govorunov and State Duma deputy Sergey Boyarsky. The students of our University were among the citizens who were not indifferent to the environmental problems


The names of the most intelligent, beautiful and talented students of SPSUFT are announced

Every year the competition "Miss and Mister SPSUFT" gives the opportunity to students to fulfill themselves by various creative ways. The level of professionalism of the participants grows and the show gathers a full auditorium. This year it was so many people willing to watch such an amazing and colorful performance, so it wasn`t enough the seats in the concert hall for all, and the audience settled down on the steps of the hall.


The XV International Student Film Festival Peterkit 2015: the Winners and Results

On October 28, the concert hall of St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television hosted the the closing ceremony of XV International festival of student films Peterkit.

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Association of Educational Institutions for Art and Culture

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