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The International theoretical and practical conference "Innovative technologies in media education” was held in St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television

The International theoretical and practical conference "Innovative technologies in media education” was held in St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television,  which included three sections: "Competence approach in media education", "Scientific and technical aspects of education in film production " and "Methods of learning  and research activity".

The main purpose of the Conference was the generalization of the experience of the practical results of the use of innovative technologies in media education.


 The foreign guest Gerd Reinhold Werner Dithelm - Prof. Dr., MBA in business management, economics, and management training also took part in the conference.






II International scientific-technical conference "Actual problems of radio and cinema technologies"

On 24-27 October, the University held the II International scientific-technical conference "Actual problems of radio and cinema technologies". On the first day of the conference, a plenary session and section "The history of the development of radio and cinema technologies" took place.


Trends in the development of modern media education were discussed in the University

The II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Technologies in Media Education-2017" was held at the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television. Teachers, graduate students and students of the university discussed the most important problems of modern media education.


The International theoretical and practical conference "Innovative technologies in media education” was held in St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television

The International theoretical and practical conference "Innovative technologies in media education” was held in St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television,  which included three sections: "Competence approach in media education", "Scientific and technical aspects of education in film production " and "Methods of learning  and research activity".

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Association of Educational Institutions for Art and Culture

The Association of Educational Institutions of Art and Culture, which includes SPbGIKiT, won a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the project "Second Higher Education as a Factor in Increasing the Level of Training of Specialists in Creative Professions"