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54.03.04 Restoration

Profile: Restoration of Film and Photographic Documents
Qualification: Bachelor's Degree

Despite the fact that many universities are preparing restoration experts in Russia, the restoration of film and documentary photographs, which forms the basis of the historical heritage of the country, is a unique area of training offered at our University.

Documentaries in cinema and photo are a visual reflection of history. Worldwide enormous efforts expended to create conditions for storage, studying, renewal and restoration of this kind of the historical evidence. The active work is carried out in our country in this direction. The problem of preserving Russia's cultural heritage being the basis of educational projects is increasingly raised in documents of the executive and legislative authorities, statements and appeals of social, political and religious organizations.

Photo and Folk Art Culture Department has vast experience of work on the analysis, digitization, restoration of film and photo documents and reconstruction of historical techniques of photography. A Section of Photography became a separate structure of the Union of Restorers by the resolution of the Ministry of Culture, in the framework of international and national projects on cultural heritage. Therefore, an active area of specialists’ training "Restoration. Profile: Restoration of Film and Photographs" was opened in 2014 at our University.

Major foundations, libraries, exhibition centres, research groups, public and private collections are waiting for our specialists. The profession of film and photo restorer provides unlimited opportunities for creativity and self-fulfilment in order to create the modern history by exploring the historical basis of the past.

Curriculum Disciplines for 54.03.04 Restoration

Basic part: history; philosophy; basic professional foreign language; foreign language in the professional field; economics and organization of production; cultural studies; economic theory; jurisprudence; Russian language and culture of speech; maths; computer science; theoretical mechanics; strength of materials; physics; chemistry; ecology; restoration materials; legal basis for restoration; reconstruction, recreation and protection of cultural monuments; the basics of museum management; archiving in the media industry; history of religions; art history; history of Christian art; basics of photocomposition; project management.

Variable part: world art culture; history of world photography; digital processing of film and photographic images; physico-chemical methods for the restoration of photographic images; light engineering and practical exposure metering; qualimetry of film and photo process; organizational behaviour; museum and exhibition work; photo workshop; shooting skills; cinema technology; digital restoration and reproduction of film and photo documents; restoration of the image on magnetic media; restoration of emulsion layers and the basis of photographic materials; basics of storing and restoring phonograms on analog and digital media; basics of the restoration of photographic images; technology of restoration of photographic images; fundamentals of the state cultural policy of the Russian Federation.

Electives: history of domestic and foreign cinema, history of photography; psychology, pedagogy; concepts of modern science, fundamentals of valeology; colorimetry and colour grading in modern filmmaking; colour and colour solution of screen works; basics of sound recording and playback; technology of restoration of audio materials; equipment of modern minilabs, digital restoration and reproduction of photographic images; photographic equipment, reproduction of photographic images and phonograms.

Association of Educational Institutions for Art and Culture

The Association of Educational Institutions of Art and Culture, which includes SPbGIKiT, won a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the project "Second Higher Education as a Factor in Increasing the Level of Training of Specialists in Creative Professions"

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