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Folk Art Culture

51.03.02 Folk Art Culture

Specialization: Studio Management in Film, Photography and Video Production
Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree

Today, in the era of rapid development of telecommunications, digital interactive television, Internet, digital technologies of registration and visualization of images, awareness of their value and effectiveness in the work of the media, commercial structures, authorities at all levels, public and political associations, the demand for professionals working with modern photographic and video equipment is growing.

While digital photo and video equipment is getting more and more available to average consumers, specialists who have profound theoretical knowledge, wide experience and creativity in the field of photography and technology of image registration systems and materials become highly appreciated. These specialists can work as teaching personnel at training studios, children's and youth creativity centres, etc.

From the very beginning of studies, students of this specialization gain a variety of theoretical knowledge combined with creative and technical training working with modern photo and video equipment. Professors, associate professors and teachers of the university as well as leading experts in the film, television and photo industry guide students during their classes. This kind of training allows graduates to choose either to work in organizations and enterprises of this industry or to do private creative projects.

Students have access to photo studios with modern filming and illuminating equipment, laboratory installation and rooms for film screening. Interactive forms of educational process are coupled with practical training at enterprises and studios.

During the first year of study, students are involved into creative life of the university, film shooting, festivals, competitions and exhibitions.

In the framework of international cooperation, an agreement with the Institute of Arts of Tartu (Estonia) is concluded. The agreement provides for the exchange of students and joint master classes in Russia and Estonia.

Graduates work in the following areas: organizations and institutions whose activities are related or require the production and distribution of video, audio, text and graphic materials and a variety of multimedia products, such as Internet TV companies, television broadcasting, mobile television, media and communication structures (newspapers, magazines, information agencies, PR agencies, telecommunications companies and organizations); in the governing bodies.

Curriculum Disciplines for 51.03.02 Folk Art Culture

Basic part: history; philosophy; basic professional foreign language; foreign language in the professional field; psychology; sociology; economy; basics of the state cultural policy of the Russian Federation; theory and history of folk art culture; world art; national cultural policy; ethnopedagogy; theory and methods of ethnocultural education; ethnocultural media activities; ethnocultural journalism; management and marketing in the field of folk art culture; organization and management of folk art; pedagogy of folk art; the history of amateur cinema, photo and video creation; methods of directing studio cinema, photo and video; history and theory of audiovisual arts; directing audiovisual work; scenic skill; shooting skills; sound film solution; audiovisual technology; photo shop; filming equipment and technology; organization of cinema, photo and video process; basics of acting; narration; video equipment; cinema-, video editing; methods of teaching special disciplines; project management.

Variable part: literature; jurisprudence; Russian language and culture of speech; the history of world photography; history of domestic and foreign cinema; digital image processing; basics of photocomposition; light engineering and practical exposure metering; cinema and photo lighting; photographic equipment; qualimetry film, photo process; organizational behaviour; non-fiction and animated film; documentary film.

Electives: history of religion; psychology of colour; the concept of modern science, fundamentals of valeology; photo-, video- and online journalism, organization of the technological process in regional television studios; the colour and colour of screen works; colorimetry and colour grading in modern filmmaking; the equipment of modern minilabs; digital restoration and reproduction of photographic images.

51.04.02 Folk Art Culture

Specialization: Art Photography
Qualification: Master's degree

Curriculum Disciplines for 51.04.02 Folk Art Culture

Basic part: history and methodology of science; legal support of innovation; pedagogy and psychology of higher professional education; actual problems of the theory and history of folk art culture; actual problems of ethnocultural education; research methods of folk art culture.

Variable part: history and methodology of photo-video creation in Russia; organizational and methodological foundations of amateur photo-video studios; photo composition; management in the field of folk art culture; photography and problems of preservation of cultural heritage; museum and exhibition work; photography in integrated media.

Electives: the history of world photography, photography as an element of popular artistic culture; the history of higher education in Russia and abroad, computer technologies in ethno-art education; qualimetry of photography; photo-journalism; problems of the restoration of photographic film documents; digital restoration and archiving of photographic documents; trends and prospects for the development of improved means and methods of photography, digital processing of photographic images.

Association of Educational Institutions for Art and Culture

The Association of Educational Institutions of Art and Culture, which includes SPbGIKiT, won a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the project "Second Higher Education as a Factor in Increasing the Level of Training of Specialists in Creative Professions"

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