54.03.01 Design
The opening of the direction "Design" associated to the demand for professionals who are able to create highly professional design projects for the socio-cultural sphere (cinema, television, sphere of leisure and entertainment), informational and educational content based on the use of multimedia technologies and aimed to creating an art, informational and material products.
Education in this area is conducted at the Department of Computer Graphics and Design, which has gained practical and methodical experience in the field during implementation of the educational artistic and creative program in the specialty "Graphics".
In the process of learning, a student masters a wide range of knowledge and practical skills, including:
- disciplines providing classical art education throughout the entire period of study;
- the technology of computer graphics, modelling, animation and visualization used in design: 3D-modelling technology, motion capture and animation modelling, multimedia technology;
- knowledge and skills for achieving a high professional level in such areas of design activities as art of theatre, film and television, the design of museum expositions and exhibition installations, interior and costume design, architectural style, advertising and web design;
- the methods and means of design projects development implemented in organizing mass cultural, educational and telecommunication events (forums, conferences, festivals, exhibitions), interior and landscape compositions (exhibition expositions, multimedia entertainment centres, cinema and concert complexes, conference centres, museum installations);
- participates in creative contests, festivals (festivals "Animagraf" and "Animator", animation forum "Flash, the city of Peter the Great!", interuniversity creative contest for St. Tatiana's Day, Valentine's Day festival, master class of the St. Petersburg Union of Non-professional Cinematographers, etc.) gaining prominence among professionals, getting the opportunity to find a prestigious job immediately after graduation from the university;
- participates in scientific and creative events, makes presentations at conferences of the University, all-Russian, international level, solves applied problems in the framework of research works and during practical training.
Great scientific and creative work is carried out at the Department of Computer Graphics and Design. Master classes of teachers and students of the Department were held at the conference "Illumenation" in Helsinki. The subject of the conference was the technology of animation creativity using the motion capture environment. This technology was developed at the Department at request of the Institute of Art and Design in Helsinki (Finland). A number of students undergo training internships at the Joong Bu Institute in South Korea. Creative works of students are presented at joint seminars with the Higher School of Video Games and Interactive Media ENJMIN (France).
Educational process is continuously combined with creative activity. Student youth folk ensemble "Zarya-Zaryazhnitsa" has been functioning for many years, performing at many festivals, interuniversity creative competition for St Tatiana Day, at the Pokrovsky Forum of the inter-university community "Pokrov".
Graduates work in leading creative companies: Creative Workshop "Avery" in the position of chief graphic designer; the federal network of web studios "IT-Palitra" in the position of web-designer; Theatre of Musical Comedy in the positions of artist-animator and designer of scenery; LLC "St. Petersburg Film Artel" in the position of creative director.
Curriculum Disciplines 54.03.01 Design
Basic part: history; philosophy; basic professional foreign language; foreign language in the professional field; Russian language and culture of speech; art history; academic drawing; academic painting; academic sculpture and plastic modelling; technical drawing; propaedeutics; the basics of manufacturing skills; design; project management.
Variable part: Folklore and folk game culture; architectural styles; stereo graphics in media industry design projects; labour and copyright; descriptive geometry and graphics; composition; technological environment of the media industry; multimedia technology in design; 3D modelling in design; computer graphics in design; basics of the state cultural policy of the Russian Federation; photo workshops and basics of cinema and photo images design; montage of audio-visual programmes of the media industry; costume design; motion capture and animation; architectural design; means and technologies of prototyping in the media industry; organizational behaviour.
Electives: history of world photography, psychology of colour; psychology, pedagogy; landscape design; painting techniques; costume development, archiving in the media industry; colouring pictorial decisions in design projects, documentation; web graphics design, Internet communications and network graphics; basics of composition in design, animation in design projects.